Pneumatic Grapnel Launcher

Grapnel Launcher Special Forces Set

The special forces set is the ultimate launcher turnkey solution. It comes with a comprehensive set accessories and spares included which allows the user to manage whatever situations they are presented with.

The kit contains everything required to quickly and easily deploy both a range of rope diameters as well as our Fibrelight single ladders.

The addition of the extra air cylinder, Mark 3 folding grapnel and the projectile bases allows more shots with the set and it advantageous in a training setting.

The messenger line projectile designed for ship to ship boarding and canyon crossing, offers the maximum firing distance from the launcher when using a 3mm cord (Up to 120 metres in lab conditions).

Part NumberOTL63-SF-SET
Part description

1 x OTL63 Launcher - OTL63‐001
2 x 500cc Air Cylinder and Valve - OTL63‐002
1 x Side Mount Canister - OTL63‐003
1 x Underslung Rope Canister - OTL63‐004
2 x Mark 3 Folding Grapnel Complete - OTL63‐007
1 x Messenger Line Projectile - OTL63‐009
2 x Plastic Projectile Base - OTL63‐010
1 x Rope set - OTL63‐011
1 x Fibrelight 15m Ladder - FLS.15
1 x Loading Rod - OTL63‐012
1 x Charging Kit - OTL63‐013
1 x Replacement O Ring Kit - OTL63‐015
1 x Bottle Pressure Test Gauge - OTL63‐017
1 x Peli Case with interior foam - OTL63‐020
1 x OTL63 Launcher User Manual - OTL63‐030
1 x Maintenance Kit - OTL63‐023

Dimensions849 x 721 x 448 mm (33.45 x 28.38 x 17.63 in)
Weight43.5 kg (95 lbs)
FinishMatt black

Technical information

The launcher uses compressed air with no subsequent heat, flash or loud explosive noises.

The firing pressure can be set at any pressure up to recommended maximum of 120 bar. There are safety features in place that make it not possible to overcharge the air cylinder or the launcher air chamber.

The launcher is fed from a removable 0.5 litre cylinder and has an internal air chamber of 120 cc. This allows multiple shots per charged cylinder, with up to 5 shots possible depending on the firing pressure selected.

The charging kit included allows the air cylinder to be easily charged from either an air compressor with an “A Clamp” yolk and a pressurised dive cylinder with a DIN fitting. To get the maximum fill of 250 bar in your cylinder it is advisable to use 300 bar dive cylinders or compressors, the pressure release valve in the filling kit will prevent over pressurisation.

Maximum ranges under laboratory test conditions are:

  • 3 mm line: up to 120 m distance
  • 8 mm rope: up to 45 m distance
  • 11 mm rope: up to 35 m distance
  • Fibrelight ladder: up to 20 m in height

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