Pneumatic Grapnel Launcher

The Olympia Triumph Grapnel Launcher (OTL63) is designed to achieve a point of anchoring for both maritime and urban operations where the height requirement is greater than the reach of our electric pole systems.

The launcher is compatible with two projectiles: The Folding Grapnel (a three-pronged spring-loaded titanium grapnel) and the Messenger Line Projectile (a top-heavy line weight designed for ship-to-ship targeting).

The launcher system can be used to deploy both a range of ropes and our single Fibrelight ladders.

Maximum ranges under laboratory test conditions are:

3 mm line: up to 120 m distance

9 mm rope: up to 45 m distance

11 mm rope: up to 35 m distance

Fibrelight ladder: up to 20 m in height

The launcher has multiple applications, including but not limited to:

Maritime boarding

Urban access

Swift water rescue or maritime rescue

Ship-to-ship or ship-to-shore

Canyon or building traverse




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