The Olympia Triumph Grapnel Launcher (OTL63) is designed to achieve a point of anchoring for both maritime and urban operations when the height requirement is greater than the reach of our electric pole system.
The OTL63 provides an accurate and portable means of launching a grapnel and rope (or fibre ladder). The launcher uses compressed air with no subsequent heat, flash or loud explosive noises. The launcher firing pressure can be set at any pressure up to 120 bar as factory standard. There are safety features in place that make it impossible for you to overcharge the air cylinder or the air chamber of the launcher. The launcher is fed from a removable 500 cc cylinder and has an internal air chamber of 120 cc.
The launcher is compatible with two projectiles: the Folding Grapnel (a three-pronged spring-loaded titanium grapnel) and the Messenger Line Projectile (a top-heavy line weight designed for ship-to-ship targeting).
Maximum ranges under laboratory test conditions are:
- 3 mm line: up to 120 m distance
- 8 mm rope: up to 45 m distance
- 11 mm rope: up to 35 m distance
- Fibrelight ladder: up to 20 m in height