Rigid Boarding Ladders

RBL Single

The 0.5 metre, 1.5 metre and 2.5 metre RBL singles can be deployed using either a Olympia Triumph Telescopic Pole or a Carbon Fibre Telescopic Pole via the attachment of the Pole Delivery Pin (RBL-PDP). This provides a more versatile solution by allowing the RBLs to be used at greater heights than the fixed lengths would allow.

Both the 1.5 and 2.5 RBL come with the bracket attached. The Pole Delivery PIN (PDP) needs to be purchased separately in order to use this feature (see RBL Accessories). The PDPs allow the RBLs to interface with the Olympia Triumph range of poles in the same way as the titanium hook range.

All of Olympia Triumph’s range of Rigid Boarding Ladders float (in both fresh and salt water) if dropped overboard.

Products available:

Part NumberRBL0.5
Dimensions0.5 m x 35 cm x 46 cm (19.68 x 13.77 x 18.1 in)
FinishMatt black powder coat
Minimum Break Load (MBL)Rung: 450 kg (992 lbs) Arch: 1,390 kg (3064 lbs) Eye Bolt: 1,210 kg (2668 lbs)
Tread Height300 mm (11.81 in)
Part NumberRBL1.5
Dimensions1.5 m x 35 cm x 46 cm (59 x 13.77 x 18.1 in)
Weight4.50 kg (9.92 lbs)
FinishMatt black powder coat
Hook Opening320 mm (12.5 in)
Minimum Break Load (MBL)Rung: 450 kg (992 lbs) Arch: 1,390 kg (3064 lbs) Eye Bolt: 1,210 kg (2668 lbs)
Tread Height300 mm (11.81 in)
Part NumberRBL2.5
Dimensions2.5 m x 35 cm x 46 cm (98 x 13.77 x 18.1 in)
Weight6.50 kg (14.33 lbs)
FinishMatt black powder coat
Hook Opening320 mm (12.5 in)
Minimum Break Load (MBL)Rung: 450 kg (992 lbs) Arch: 1,390 kg (3064 lbs) Eye Bolt: 1,210 kg (2668 lbs)
Tread Height300 mm (11.81 in)
Part NumberRBL3.5
Dimensions3.5 m x 35 cm x 46 cm (137 x 13.77 x 18.1 in)
Weight8.50 kg (18.74 lbs)
FinishMatt black powder coat
Hook Opening320 mm (12.5 in)
Minimum Break Load (MBL)Rung: 450 kg (992 lbs) Arch: 1,390 kg (3064 lbs) Eye Bolt: 1,210 kg (2668 lbs)
Tread Height300 mm (11.81 in)
Part NumberRBL4.5
Dimensions4.5 m x 35 cm x 46 cm (177 x 13.77 x 18.1 in)
Weight10.50 kg (23.15 lbs)
FinishMatt black powder coat
Hook Opening320 mm (12.5 in)
Minimum Break Load (MBL)Rung: 450 kg (992 lbs) Arch: 1,390 kg (3064 lbs) Eye Bolt: 1,210 kg (2668 lbs)
Tread Height300 mm (11.81 in)

Suggested accessories


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